CM Punjab Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program

Maryam Nawaz Sharif, the Chief Minister of Punjab, has approved the Punjab Dhee Rani Programme (Collective Marriages Programme). This initiative helps deserving parents carry out their important social and religious duty of marriage in a respectful way. In Islam, marriage is seen as a holy agreement that lays the foundation for a stable and joyful family life. However, the country’s current economic challenges and financial limits prevent many low-income parents from arranging these marriages for their children. The collective marriages programme aims to have a positive effect by showing the government’s support, bringing hope, and enhancing stability in society. The last date to apply is 5 November 2024.

CM Punjab Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program Registration

The registration form you’ve shown is likely part of an application process for a collective marriages program initiated by the Chief Minister of Punjab, identified as the “CM Punjab Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program.” Here’s a breakdown of each field in the form

  1. Name: The applicant must enter their full name.
  2. CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card): This is a unique identifying number assigned to Pakistani citizens, which is required for all legal and official activities.
  3. District: The applicant needs to select the district within Punjab where they reside.
  4. Tehsil: A subdivision of the district; the applicant must select their specific Tehsil.
  5. Gender: The applicant specifies their gender from the available options.
  6. Select Telecom: This field likely asks for the applicant’s mobile service provider.
  7. Contact No: The mobile or telephone number of the applicant.
  8. E-Mail Address: Email contact for the applicant.
  9. Password and Confirm Password: Fields for the applicant to create and confirm a password for accessing their registration or account.
  10. In case of any issue use Complain Portal for CM Punjab Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program.
CM Punjab Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program Registration

وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب کا اجتماعی شادیوں کا پروگرام

وزیر اعلیٰ پنجاب، مریم نواز شریف نے “پنجاب دِھی رانی پروگرام” (اجتماعی شادیوں کا پروگرام) کی منظوری دی ہے۔ اس پروگرام کا مقصد مستحق والدین کو ان کی سماجی و مذہبی ذمہ داری عزت و وقار کے ساتھ پوری کرنے میں مدد فراہم کرنا ہے۔ اسلام میں شادی ایک مقدس سماجی معاہدہ ہے جو ایک خوشحال اور مستحکم خاندانی زندگی کی بنیاد ہے۔ ملک کی موجودہ معاشی صورتحال اور مالی مشکلات کی وجہ سے بہت سے نادار والدین اپنے بچوں کی شادی نہیں کر پا رہے۔ اجتماعی شادیوں کا پروگرام معاشرے میں حکومت کی سرپرستی، امید اور استحکام کو فروغ دے کر ایک مثبت اثر ڈالے گا

لڑکیاں جو یتیم / بے سہارا / معذور / معذور افراد کی بیٹیاں ہیں، جن کی عمر 18 سے 40 سال کے درمیان ہو

درخواست دہندہ دلہن کا والد، والدہ یا سرپرست ہو سکتا ہے یا خود دلہن ہو سکتی ہے

درخواست دہندہ پنجاب کا رہائشی ہونا ضروری ہے

اگر زیادہ درخواستیں موصول ہوتی ہیں تو درخواست دہندگان کا انتخاب الیکٹرانک قرعہ اندازی کے ذریعے کیا جائے گا

Eligibility Criteria for Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program

The “CM Punjab Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program” is designed to support girls who are in challenging circumstances, such as those who are destitute, orphaned, have disabilities, or are daughters of persons with disabilities (PWDs).

Eligible applicants must be females aged between 18-40 years, and they must possess a domicile certificate proving they are residents of Punjab. The applicant can be either the father, mother, guardian, or the bride herself.

Due to the possibility of receiving more applications than the program can accommodate, the selection process for the applicants will be conducted through electronic balloting. Check FAQs about this program.

Furthermore, participants are required to submit an affidavit confirming that they are unmarried and willing to participate in the collective wedding ceremony. This program helps alleviate the financial burden of wedding expenses for families by organizing and supporting mass wedding events.

Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program

Grants and Financial Aid Package of Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program

Here is the details of all grants and financial packages. Dhee Rani Program Dowry Package and Items Details.

  1. Wedding Gift By CM (دلہن کا تحفہ وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب سے)
    • This describes a dowry provided by the Chief Minister of Punjab, which includes essential items for the bride valued at 206,000 rupees. The dowry comprises religious items like the Holy Quran, household necessities such as a wooden double bed, prayer mat, mirror, and a dinner set, among other things.
  2. Money Gift of Bride by CM (دلہن کا تحفہ نقدی وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب سے)
    • In addition to the dowry, each bride will receive a cash gift of 100,000 rupees. This monetary gift is given through an ATM card, providing financial assistance directly to the bride.
  3. Wedding Event (اجتماعی شادی)
    • The program also organizes mass wedding events where 3,000 economically disadvantaged girls will have their wedding ceremonies conducted collectively across Punjab. This collective arrangement helps reduce individual family costs and provides a communal celebration of these unions.
Grants and Financial Aid Package of Dhee Rani Collective Marriages Program

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